Friday 13 July 2012

Amazing Head Pieces by Mary Arantes

Her work reminds me aesthetically of my own work which I have included for you to see!

 Yet another mind blowing creations by Brazilian born designer Mary Arantes, creator of the Mary Design brand.  If you recall on one of my older post 'Out of the Box' I wrote about how we get inspired with simple everyday things that are around us.  With a creative mind, one can utilize basically anything in the environment to create a master pieces.  Well.... there it is...... this is one of the examples I was talking about.
I am  Completely blown away by these pieces, the amazing shapes and sizes made out of newspapers, using a refined paper mache technique.   Fabulous!

Theme:  Lightness
"This theme is reflected in the choice of materials and also in addressing sustainable practices, such as zero waste, and upcycling, and ressourcerie.  Translating these concepts into our reality is this edition's dream says Mary.  By having less fashion waste, we will create a less tattered world, a lighter future".